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Diving from high diving boards and platforms 

001 schoonspringen 1

Hey! We are Iris and Raisa and we like to show you our favorite sport. Come with us!

Do you already know what our sport is? Yes indeed, we are in the pool. Do you think it's swimming? Well... not quite. But you are on the right track because we are all good swimmers.
Here's another clue. During the warm up we use all our muscles. And we practice our balance. And one last hint: none of us is afraid of heights!

For our sport you have to concentrate well. And being able to move well is also important.
And the last clue: don't be afraid of heights! Do you already know? Yes! It's diving! Off the diving board!

We practice on the diving boards of 1 meter and 3 meters high.

Making a jump is great fun, but it can also be very difficult at times. You have to practice diving well. Would you like to try it too? The best is yet to come.

One day we may jump from the very highest diving board. It is actually not a plank but a fixed concrete platform of a tower. We start with the tower at a height of five meters. The higher it is, the more careful we are. And then from the tower at SEVEN meters! We can't wait to jump off the tallest tower, which is ten meters high! From this tower it almost feels like we are flying. Did you know that diving has been part of the Olympics for 100 years? Yet the sport is not very well known. That's why we wanted to show you. I hope you enjoy every jump in the water too. Like us!

 Check out how it goes on the next video from NPO   (click on the link)

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 YouTube diving videos